Partners and Members

For Sellers

By registering your business as a seller on Viseka, you agree to abide by our platform’s terms and conditions. You acknowledge that Viseka provides access to a network of retailers and may facilitate transactions between you and potential buyers. Any products you list on our platform must adhere to our guidelines and meet the necessary quality standards. Viseka reserves the right to moderate and manage product listings to maintain a trusted marketplace for all users. As a seller, you are responsible for providing accurate product information, fulfilling orders promptly, and addressing customer inquiries and concerns. Viseka may collect fees for certain services, and you agree to the terms of our fee structure. Additionally, you are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to your business activities. Viseka may take necessary actions, including suspension or removal of your account, in the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

For Buyers

As a buyer on Viseka, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined for our platform. When making purchases, you acknowledge that you are engaging in transactions with registered sellers on Viseka. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review product listings, including product descriptions, prices, and shipping details, before making a purchase. Viseka strives to provide accurate and reliable information, but you understand that we do not endorse or guarantee the quality or availability of products listed on our platform. In the event of any issues with your purchases, you are encouraged to contact the respective seller for resolution. Viseka may collect fees or charges for certain services, and you agree to comply with our fee structure. Your use of Viseka must be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and any violation may result in actions taken by Viseka, including the suspension or termination of your account.

For Logistics Providers

By collaborating with Viseka as a logistics partner, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set forth by our platform. You understand that Viseka may facilitate the transportation and delivery of goods between sellers and buyers. It is your responsibility to fulfill these logistics services efficiently and according to industry standards. Viseka reserves the right to moderate and manage logistics operations to ensure a seamless experience for all users. Fees or charges may apply for logistics services provided through Viseka, and you agree to comply with our fee structure. You must operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing logistics and transportation services. Viseka may take necessary actions, including the termination of our partnership, in the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

For Financing Partners

As a financing partner with Viseka, you are subject to our platform’s terms and conditions. You agree to provide formal credit facilities and financial support to eligible retailers on our platform. Viseka aims to empower retail businesses with access to credit resources. You acknowledge that Viseka does not guarantee or endorse the creditworthiness of retailers, and lending decisions are made at your discretion. Viseka may collect fees or commissions for facilitating financing services, and you agree to comply with our fee structure. Your operations must align with all relevant financial and lending regulations and adhere to ethical lending practices. Viseka reserves the right to terminate our partnership in the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

Viseka Global